Compile FeatherPad text editor on Fedora


FeatherPad is a lightweight Qt5 plain-text editor for Linux. It is independent of any desktop environment and has:

Get the source code.

You can download the source code for FeatherPad from github.

$ git clone

Compile FeatherPad on fedora.


To compile the source code you’ve just got from github, you will have to install following dependencies.

To install these dependencies.

$ sudo dnf install gcc-c++ libX11-devel libXext-devel qt5-qtbase-devel\
  qt5-qtx11extras-devel qt5-qtsvg-devel qt5-qttools-devel

Compile FeatherPad

Once the dependencies are installed, the next process is really simple. Go to the FeatherPad directory.

$ cd FeatherPad

Generate the makefile.

$ qmake-qt5

Compile the source code using make.

$ make

This will generate the executable for Featherpad.

To run FeatherPad.

$ cd featherpad
$ ./fetherpad


you can install Featherpad you’ve just compiled from the source by using

$ sudo make install